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My Thoughts on Being Engaged to You Again

Do you remember that time we

talked about what humanity

would look like if we

went extinct and someone

(“aliens or some shit”) brought us

back through CRISPR?

I showed you this article I’d read about

those rats remade that way, the ones

they couldn’t quite

get right.

And you looked up from the article and said,

“Somebody needs to make these dumbasses

read Frankenstein.”


I hope you do. I do.

Remember my grandpa’s

truck? Remember it in its old

age? You came out and watched it rot

in a field, and I tried to start it for

the first time in a decade.

Ten minutes, many turns of the

key, many long, rusted growls, and

you said, “That thing makes a lot of noise

for a vehicle that will never



ISAAC FOX plays the clarinet and guitar, makes weird little books, and spends as much time as possible outside. His work has previously appeared in Bending Genres, Tiny Molecules, and A Velvet Giant, among other publications. Isaac is a co-editor of Shelf Fungus Press, alongside Abbie Hoffer. You can find him on Twitter at @isaac_k_fox.

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